Fraud and Verifying Bank Account Alterations

Last year, our ASB consultant provided valuable and timely advice regarding fraud and the verification of bank account changes for both creditors and staff.

When notified of a bank account change, she strongly recommended verifying the change through a phone call using an official telephone number. Avoid using phone numbers provided in emails, on attached invoices, or on websites accessed through links in emails.

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Useful Date Shortcuts in Xero

We’ve listed below some of the most useful date shortcuts in Xero. Why should we bother with those I hear you ask? Well, if you’re anything like me, I’ve got better things to do than data entry, so if there’s a quicker way to do things, I’m all for it! I use Hubdoc, adding last items, copying and pasting, repeating templates, and yes, date shortcuts. Anything to get the job done efficiently and to free up my time. Small things add up, right?

Have a look at these. Pick a couple and practise them until they are second nature. Then maybe try another. And then another.

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