Changing Zoom Settings for Xero Reports

The new Xero reports offer a range of features that you can customise, but the new reports appear rather large, meaning you need to scroll down in order to see the lower parts of a longer report. If you change the zoom settings while you are anywhere in the reports module, the reports will display in a smaller format.

    In Chrome and Explorer, click the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of your internet browser (see screenshot below).  Sorry Mac users, we don’t know where this option is for you, but we’re sure you will be able to figure it out.

    80% displays a report similar in size to the old version, but choose a % that suits you.  Changing the % only changes the report pages. Every other Xero page will still display automatically at 100%. Shrinking the report means that you can see more on one page rather than having to scroll.

    Try it. See what you think.